' Scott Johnston, CIS: 72677,1570 MHS: ScottJ@Alta
'This program will scan the bindery of a netware file server
'v1.5 6-21-1994 changed declares to 'new' nwNetAPI
' made the code look a little better
Declare Function GetConnectionInformation Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" (ByVal Conn&, ByVal UserID As String, ObjType%, ObjID&, ByVal LoginTime As String) As Integer
Declare Function GetConnectionNumber Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" () As Long
Declare Function ScanBinderyObject Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" (ByVal SObjName$, ByVal SObjType%, LastObjID&, ByVal ObjName$, ObjType%, ObjProp%, ObjFlag%, ObjSec%) As Integer
Declare Function ScanProperty Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" (ByVal SObjName$, ByVal SObjType%, ByVal SPropName$, SeqNum&, ByVal PropName$, PropFlag%, PropSec%, PropVal%, PropMore%) As Integer
Declare Function ReadPropertyValue Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" (ByVal SObjName$, ByVal SObjType%, ByVal SPropName$, ByVal Segment%, ByVal PropValue$, PropValMore%, PropValFlag%) As Integer
Declare Function GetBinderyObjectName Lib "NWNetAPI.dll" (ByVal SObjID&, ByVal ObjName$, ObjType%)